Birth and Postpartum Doulas for your family


WE look forward to serving your family.

Just want to thank you for guiding me through the two most unbelievable experiences of my life! I think of my natural births often when I see my two crazy, happy, energetic, smart, beautiful, frustrating and truly amazing children. My natural births are among the moments in my life that I am most thankful and proud of. I couldn’t have done it without you! You are an amazing woman, teacher, guider and momma!
— Mama Tara Kowalski

Khefri is the new owner of Los Angeles Birth Partners Doula, Family Education Hub and and Doula Referral Service. We offer expert care and support to help families make informed choices and experience their own best birth. We support your personal birth choices and are dedicated to helping each family have a healthy and positive birth. We offer a variety of Education Classes for Birth, Breastfeeding and Newborn Care, Postpartum Doula support, and Lactation Consults. We want your family to experience a joyful transition to parenthood.

A Progressive Doula Practice

Your Circle of Support

Our continuum of services gives you full perinatal and postpartum care.

Initial state of care intake may include: -Client assessment phone or email -Consult of birth class choices  -Doctor or midwife choices if wishing change -Physical activity and nutritional referrals -Doula care handouts and PDF supplements -Holistic care referrals -Mental health referrals -Pediatrician referrals

1st Prenatal Intake consult: -Review your personal and medical history -Emotional and mental needs assessment for birth processes -Individualize action plan if outside referrals needed -Birth plan consultation and review -May include one on one videos/educational sheets/physical enactments

2nd Prenatal Prep consult: -Supplementary birth education to ensure preparation -Birth practice of breathing relaxation visualization  -Lactation consult -Breastfeeding support and education as needed -Birth plan completion -Referrals to professionals per unique needs and support

Email support: -Follow up as per your individual needs -Birth prep documents -Specialist articles and Specialist Referrals -Communication how are your caregiver visits going  -Questions answered as needed  -Post Partum care plan to prepare for recovery

Birth support: -On call 24 hours 2 weeks before and after due date -Early labor assessment and phone support -The 3 R's: Response, Reassurance and Relaxation -Attendance at birth during active labor joining at home or hospital -Documentation of birth via pictures and video when possible -Breastfeeding and Lactation consultation -Biological Nurturing support

Examples of birth support: -Changing of labor positions -Physical support with massage and movement -Breathing techniques and focus techniques -Or ‘hands off’ as client needs -Birth plan reminding -Pushing positioning -Final assurance of baby on breast and stable mother

Post Partum visit: -Birth processing -Photo documentation sharing -Lactation Consultations and Breastfeeding support -Post Partum Mental Heath Screening

When considering the presence of a doula at your birth, keep in mind the documented benefits a birth doula can offer.

-Cesarean birth reduction by 50 percent.

-Length of labor reduction by 25 percent.

-Fewer epidural requests by 60 percent.

-A reduction in oxytocin (pitocin) use by 40 percent.

-A reduction in analgesia (narcotic) use by 30 percent.

-A reduction in forceps or vacuum extraction delivery by 30 percent.


How could a night doula help you?

1. Sleep with peace. You can’t help but jump out of bed with each new sound your baby makes. An overnight doula will be right there to tend to your baby so you can sleep peacefully, knowing your baby will be looked after.

2. Support with night breastfeeding. Night feeding can be difficult if you aren’t aware of a baby’s early cues that hunger is mounting. Your night doula will be present to attend to your baby, take note of early hunger cues, and bring your baby to you before she is frustrated. Your night doula will help with of all the burping, changing and soothing baby back to sleep, so you can rest.

3. Companionship in the wee hours. If you are awake and need emotional support while you and your baby are learning how to breastfeed, having a non-judgmental person there to encourage you can be incredibly helpful. A night doula can also help with positioning and getting a great latch.

4. A night doula will have up to date information on all things “baby”, and what might be best for your
parenting style. With new information and products being released all the time, your doula will help you be confident in the choices you are making for you child.

5. A night doula will be present and available for you as a safe and judgement-free witness to your introduction into parenthood. As you learn what is best for you and best for your baby, you can have hands on support encouraging you to develop confidence at your own
— By: A Swift Doula
Khefri is deeply connected with the earth, has a rich soul, and shares knowledge rooted in ancient tradition. All the while, she has a spirit that is light and free that keeps her present in the here-and-now, which offers her the gift of sharing wisdom relevant to modern society. Her expansive ability supplies her the fuel to help women, men, and babies on their journey through transition, be it prenatal, postpartum, feeding, sleeping, or identity shifts through changing roles as parents. She holds the space to allow life to emerge, while her myriad experiences offer concrete facts to guide the experience.
— Jennifer, mother of Juniper
I had an unplanned Cesarean birth with my first child after 4 days of labor, during which I never passed 4 cm dilation. So much fear came up over those 4 days, and by the time my daughter was born I was shaking with sadness. When I was pregnant with my second child, and very much wanted a VBAC birth, I knew I needed a doula that could help me stay connected to my strength and spiritual center. I was referred to Khefri by a dear friend, and having her present at the birth of my son was one of the best decisions I have ever made. We met before and I was able to write and cry and further process my daughter’s birth (which I now know was the birth we needed to have) as well as create the vision for my son’s. I loved reading that articles she sent, and more importantly, being in her yoga class each week. In that room I connected to breath and movement that I used during my 11 hours of active labor including 2 1/2 hours of pushing. During my labor, I trusted Khefri completely. She took such gorgeous care of me—I felt loved and championed, and she played such a huge part in getting me through that moment when I simply didn’t think i could do it anymore. I will never forget the atmosphere in the room during labor—the mantras I’d chosen (several of them learned in Khefri’s class), the soft light, the smells of the oils she had in the air. She reminded me over and over again that I could do it. She held a quiet strong empowered space for me and supported my husband completely. My son’s birth was beautiful. I am now pregnant with my third, and my doctor asked immediately if Khefri would be at this birth—she loved her too. I can’t say enough magical wonderful things about Khefri as a teacher and doula and resource to all mamas.
— Mama Melanie L.